I wouldn’t be the strength that I am today if it wasn’t for the people around me.
ErinNicole.Love is me. It’s my creative passions, desires and fun! I am a tree and I stand proud in my roots as I pixie dust the world with my leaves and flowers!
I am my creations and I stand in them because of the roots that stand with me.
ErinNicole.Love is art, crafts, video, photography, learning and most of all a team or as I call it the #Famili
#FamiliTree ‘s are all of you standing out there sparkling in your independence for the world to see.
The tree’s in the forest around me nourish, comfort and support me always with love in their hearts, giving in their soul and not a thought to judge.
I am who I am not all by myself.
We are all on our growing path to be a tree, flower or bush.
No matter where the path is, it is perfect.
So today I begin a section of ErinNicole.Love that highlights the magic people that makes it happen!
Called - ‘Behind the E’
‘Behind the E’ there are many trees!
Love, Life, Art and Creativity!